Friday 28 December 2012

Departure date has been delayed.

They say that when making plans - be flexible.  Well, we have had to push our travel dates back by at least a week and maybe even longer.  Louis has developed some medical issues that required quite a few tests and changes to existing medications.  We now have to wait on weekly blood tests until the numbers are back up to the acceptable range.  Now we play the waiting game!

Our original plan was to leave Ferndale, WA on Saturday, January 5th but it now looks like if we are lucky, we could leave on January 13th.  *fingers crossed*.    I will keep some of our reservations until I find that I need to change them.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year for 2013.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Do I take a sewing/embroidery machine or not?

With only 4 weeks until we head south, I'm really torn in my decision to take a sewing machine with me.  Because we will be gone for 2 months like when we went to Alaska, I'm sure I will miss my sewing.  So, do I take a small sewing (only) machine or do I take a sewing/embroidery machine?

With mostly 1 week stays at various locations, will I want to spend time sewing or will I want to be out exploring?  I was thinking that maybe I would just take the small sewing machine and some smaller projects.  That way I can still sew if I have the urge but it wouldn't take up nearly as much room as if I took the sewing/emb. machine with all it's extras.  Will I kick myself?  I hope not!

As this is our first 'Snowbird' trip of what I hope will be many - I am expecting that we will learn a lot more about what we should and shouldn't take south.  We always tend to take way more than we need when we travel.