Tuesday 22 January 2013

I'm so jealous of all those Snowbirds down south.

The weather here the last week has been cold!  We've had major FOG the last few days and when conbined with the cold temperatures - I feel like I'm living in a fog.  We are going to warm up a little but along with that comes the rain.  The weather in California, Arizona and Nevada looks like it has warmed up and the Snowbirds are finally getting the sun and warmth that they went searching for.  I'm so jealous!!!  I would love to be sitting outside the RV enjoying the warmth and soaking up the vitamin D.
   Next 3 days in Phoenix.
  Next 3 days here.

On a positive note:  Louis has completed all his medical tests now so we just wait to visit the specialist on February 5th and hopefully get some answers and solutions.  Maybe, just maybe, we can still find time to get away for a short trip.  *fingers crossed*

Wednesday 9 January 2013

RV Trip has been cancelled!

Unfortunately after today's appointment with the specialist, we realized that we won't be able to head south.  Louis has been told that he needs to have a variety of more indepth tests and they probably won't be completed before the end of February.  If all is completed earlier - we may revisit a shorter trip but time will tell.