Thursday 28 March 2013

Finally! RV time once again.

The weather here in the BC lower mainland has been amazing for the last few days and is expected to continue for a little while.  We are taking advantage of it and heading across the border to spend some time in the RV.  Hubby went down yesterday to set up the RV and de-winterize it.  It takes a little time to flush out the water lines and do a little 'spring cleaning' before we are ready to enjoy the camping season.  We always find lots of dead flies in the shower area.
We will spend a couple of weeks at The Cedars RV Resort in Ferndale, WA.  We know there are quite a few RV friends there already so it will be nice to visit with them and hear all about their winter months.  This week-end is Easter and I'm not sure if we will see Jade or not as her dad isn't to keen on crossing the border on a long week-end.  Oh well - soon enough we can see her and give her the 'goodies' we have for her.
If anyone is heading our way - drop by and say hello.