Tuesday 4 September 2012

Back Home - the end of this Journey

Today we will leave Sunshine Valley and return home.

We left home 55 days ago and it has been a long and interesting time away in the RV.  We have never been away for this long so it was quite the test for us.  We both found the trip worth the time and money but definitely found things we liked and things we didn't like. 

Travelling almost every day during the convoy was tiring and we prefer to set up for more than just one night at a time. This allows for a little sight seeing, shopping, laundry and not feel that we are constantly on the go.   

We also don't like having a set time that we have to 'hit the road' each day.  As we usually wake up early anyway, we like to have a relaxing breakfast and then get ready to go without being rushed.  We generally hit the road between 8 and 9 am.

Being with a group, we usually tried to stop for a short break after about 90 minutes of driving.  This allowed for a stretch, snack and a potty break.  We found that was a great thing to energise us and we continued to do this on our way home after leaving Dawson Creek.

Booking campgrounds in advance is quite restrictive.  While travelling with the convoy it was fine because everyone stayed at the same place.  While travelling on our own we decided that sometimes we would want to travel farther than originally planned so not having a reservation while on the road is better for us.  We definitely will continue to make reservations for our final destination to guarantee our space.

One thing we both strongly agree on - We Don't Like Dirt Roads !!!

Monday 3 September 2012

The Fraser Canyon and back to Sunshine Valley

We left Fir Crest RV Park, Lac La Hache at 8:00 on Sunday morning and stopped briefly in 100 Mile House to flush out our fresh water tank.  Back on the road heading south we were making great time until we headed into the Fraser Canyon and found quite a bit of traffic.  We came up on a line of traffic and were down to about 45-50mph for a few miles until we came to a passing lane.  As we picked up speed we found that the front of the line was a Military Vehicle heading back home from the Convoy.  We honked, waved and kept on going.  After a while we pulled off into Shaw Springs for a brief rest and who should come in too but the MV. 

It was Willie & Willie heading for California.  One Willie through-out the Convoy I called "Grumpy Bum" so it was kind of fun to run into him and have a laugh.

After a brief rest and potty break we were back on the road and continued on down through the Canyon.  We did see some River Rafters but weren't able to find a place to stop to capture some photos.

A train tunnel on the other side of the river.

Nice shot of the rapids.

We pulled into Sunshine Valley RV Resort around 12:30pm and were on site and hooked up by 1:00pm.  It feels good to be back on home turf.  The campground is packed with RVs and lots of ATVs.  This is the last long week-end before school starts back so many families are out enjoying the beautiful sunny week-end.  Kari & Brandon drove up to visit with us and we shared some Convoy stories and enjoyed dinner together.

Heading for Home

Saturday September 1st, we said our good-byes to Muriel & Terry and pulled out of Dawson Creek at 8:00am.  We drove to Chetwynd where we stopped for a quick breakfast at A&W and then it was on to Prince George where we stopped for fuel.

Beautiful wood sculptures along the road in Chetwynd.

Prince George

Back on the road we made a rest stop in Quesnel and who should pull in beside us but Herb & Doris who had left Dawson Creek at 5:30am but had spent the last couple of hours trying to get a tire fixed on their motorhome.  We chatted for a bit and then both of us hit the road heading for William’s Lake.  They went towards downtown and we pulled in to top off with fuel and decided to keep going a little farther on to Lac La Hache. 

We pulled into Fir Crest RV Park at 5:00pm and although the park is difficult to get around in due to all the large trees, we did manage to find a site we could spend the night in with hook-ups.  We made some soup and a sandwich for dinner and then spent the evening reading and playing computer games.  Bed time was 9pm as I was hoping to catch up on some lost sleep.