Monday 3 September 2012

The Fraser Canyon and back to Sunshine Valley

We left Fir Crest RV Park, Lac La Hache at 8:00 on Sunday morning and stopped briefly in 100 Mile House to flush out our fresh water tank.  Back on the road heading south we were making great time until we headed into the Fraser Canyon and found quite a bit of traffic.  We came up on a line of traffic and were down to about 45-50mph for a few miles until we came to a passing lane.  As we picked up speed we found that the front of the line was a Military Vehicle heading back home from the Convoy.  We honked, waved and kept on going.  After a while we pulled off into Shaw Springs for a brief rest and who should come in too but the MV. 

It was Willie & Willie heading for California.  One Willie through-out the Convoy I called "Grumpy Bum" so it was kind of fun to run into him and have a laugh.

After a brief rest and potty break we were back on the road and continued on down through the Canyon.  We did see some River Rafters but weren't able to find a place to stop to capture some photos.

A train tunnel on the other side of the river.

Nice shot of the rapids.

We pulled into Sunshine Valley RV Resort around 12:30pm and were on site and hooked up by 1:00pm.  It feels good to be back on home turf.  The campground is packed with RVs and lots of ATVs.  This is the last long week-end before school starts back so many families are out enjoying the beautiful sunny week-end.  Kari & Brandon drove up to visit with us and we shared some Convoy stories and enjoyed dinner together.

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