Friday 12 April 2013

Back home after 2 weeks at The Cedars - Ferndale, WA

Our first RV trip of the year was both great and not so great.  First off - the Easter week-end was just beautiful.  We had the most wonderful warm weather for the end of March.  It was great to welcome the RV Park managers (Kathy & Rich) back from their winter down south. Some other RV friends (Marilyn & Alf) that we haven't seen for a few years were staying in the park so it was really nice to re-connect with them and spend time catching up each other's lives.  Here is Alf & Lou kicking back in the warm 72F sun on March 30th.  Nice!!!
When we first met Marilyn & Alf, they lived full-time in their 5th wheel and traveled between the US and Canada.  A couple of years ago they decided to buy a house in Grand Forks, BC and sell their 5th wheel but bought a much smaller one for the short rv trips that they still wanted to enjoy.  Here is their (new to them) 5th wheel that they have been sprucing up and fine tuning.
On Saturday, they had an Easter Egg hunt for the kids and here is a
clown and little boy who graciously stopped to allow me to snap a photo.
After the Easter week-end I unfortunately came down with a nasty flu and spent the next week trying to stay warm and get over it.  The second week we had some more visitors as Jason and Jade came down and Jade spent one night with us.  Here is Jade showing off her new Knitting Felted purse that her Auntie Moo sent for her birthday.
Fred & Elaine were staying in their RV in Birch Bay so we were able to spend some time with them too.  Elaine and I just HAD to go shopping at Joann's and then we all went for a nice lunch at Applebees.  All in all it was a great trip with great people. 

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