Wednesday 20 August 2014

Visitors and a trip up the mountain at Manning Park.

On Wednesday - August 6th, our friends Fred & Elaine came up for a visit with their Grand-daughter Tianna. Fred wanted to head up to Manning Park to feed the wild birds so he took Lou and the girls while Elaine and I stayed at the RV.  Here are a few pictures.
After Elaine and I enjoyed a few hours of peace & quiet
 they all came back and we enjoyed a nice Bar-B-Q dinner.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

A visit to Hope

On Tuesday morning (Aug. 5th) we hopped in the truck and headed west into Hope.  We first stopped at the Visitor Centre to get a map of the town showing the locations of all the carvings.  Hope became famous many years ago with the filming of RAMBO.  We just had to put Jade in the Rambo add.
We then went and parked downtown beside the Hope Memorial Park.  From here we walked around to see many of the carvings and then spent some time at the playground. 
Back in the truck we decided to drive out to Kawkawa Lake.
Here's a few pictures from our drive.
Then it was time for lunch and ... ICE CREAM!
Then some groceries and back to the Sunshine Valley.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

The adult kids left on Monday

Monday was the BC Day Holiday and the last day of camping for the Adult kids.  Kari, Brandon and Jason packed up their RVs and headed home around noon.  The Prowler is Jason & Jade's.
 The Nash and Dodge Truck belongs to Kari & Brandon
Jade stayed with us for the week so
later in the day I took her for a swim.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Saturday & Sunday Activities

Saturday morning started with cooking pancakes outside.  Nothing tastes better that when you cook outside.  Kari was flipping the pancakes and Jade & Brandon were enjoying them!
Later they had lots of fun activities for children.  This was what they called Sunshine Valley Days so there were many things on the calendar.   First was a race, then a balloon toss and then Jade shows us one of her prizes.
They then had a Kids Tug-O-War and then a Parents & Kids Tug-O-War.
In the afternoon we got together to play some board games and then later we had a great dinner that Kari & Brandon made.  It was pulled pork made in the crock pot.  Yummy, Yummy, Yummy.
After dinner Kari, Brandon, Lou and I headed to the clubhouse for an evening of Music Bingo.
On Sunday after breakfast, we all made our way over to the Community Centre where they had created the mud pits for the Quad Mud Races.  Luckily we got there early and were able to set our chairs under a large tent with front row view of the races.  We did get quite muddy but hey - that's half the fun.  The 1st pic is of Jade in her first race.  She has 2 runs - got stuck the first one but made it through the second one.  Good Job Girl!  The 2nd pc is of Jason in his race.  He did really well. The last pic is of Kari & Brandon after receiving a 'little' spray of mud.  LOL

Monday 4 August 2014

Family Camping Week-end @ Sunshine Valley

Since my last entry back in February, we have only been away a couple of times in the RV and both times were down to Ferndale, Washington.  Since that is where we store the RV - it's not much of a journey or much to blog about.
This trip began on Tuesday, July 29th as we packed up the truck and headed down to the RV in Ferndale.  We brought the RV out of storage and onto a site for a 2 night stay.  After we were all hooked up, we headed down to the local Fred Meyer to stock up on groceries and fuel to take with us on our travel back across the border in BC.  We did some extra shopping on Wednesday and then just relaxed and visited with some neighbours.
We left Ferndale at 9:00am on Thursday, July 31st and headed east to the Sumas border crossing.  We don't cross that border very often but when heading east it is the easiest one.  We had no wait as we used the Nexus line and were soon on Hwy 1 heading towards our first stop in Chilliwack.  We pulled into the Real Canadian Superstore in Chilliwack to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables as those can't be brought across the border into Canada.  After a 40 minute wait in the truck with the cat - Lou returned with the groceries and we were once again on our way.  As this was the Thursday leading up to the BC DAY long week-end, the traffic heading east was quite busy but we cruised along at around 60mph past hope onto Hwy 3 which is referred to as 'The Hope-Princeton Hwy'. 
Just before noon we arrived at Sunshine Valley RV Resort.  This is part of the Holiday Trails RV Resorts system which we are long time members.  Our check-in was quick and within 15 minutes we were all set up on site #74.
The campground is in a little Valley so it gets very hot during the day time and cools down nicely at night.  We set up the satellite dish and pulled out all the outdoor chairs etc and then caught up on our emails..  We enjoyed a simple dinner and then I took advantage of the pool Adult Hour (8-9pm) and went for a swim and then a soak in the hot tub.  We caught up on our emails and headed for bed.
On Friday morning we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful morning.  It takes a while for the sun to actually peek over the mountain but it is such a beautiful sight to be surrounded by all the green trees.  Once the sun hits us - it heats up quite quickly.  This is the view from the RV doorway.

We had picked up some whole sockeye salmon and brought our smoker with us so one of the first things on Lou's 'TO DO' list was to fillet the salmon and get it into the brine so he could smoke it.
Jason & Jade arrived around 10:30am and after setting up camp and then lunch, they decided to head out for a quick little trip on the Quads. 
Kari & Brandon drove in just before 7pm and quickly set up their RV before coming over for dinner which we had all ready prepared.  We all got together for a feast of BarBQ chicken, potato salad, pea/bacon salad and cheesecake ice cream for dessert.  Kari got her special BarBQ salmon as she doesn't eat chicken.  After dinner Lou and Brandon pulled out their R/C cars and attracted all the kids in the area as they raced around the campsites.  We call them the Big Boy Toys!
Once the sun went down behind the mountains the colors in the sky was amazing.  The picture is a little fuzzy but the colors were just gorgeous!

Friday 21 February 2014

Home for now - no more RV for a couple of months.

Today Lou went down to the RV to finalize a few things after winterizing it once again.  He had forgotten to shut off the battery switch and just pick up a few items he had forgotten.  I would guess that we won't be down at the RV again until probably the end of April or May.  We haven't planned our next RV Adventures yet so until next time - this blog will be quiet.  Thanks for following along.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Last quilt shop.

The last quilt shop that we visited was called Sew Cozy Quilt Shop.  They had a nice sale on Christmas fabric so I bought some for table runners.  This shop was also a Bernina dealer so many of the ladies were looking at machine accessories.  Here are a few photos. 
On the way through Oregon and Washington we had some very heavy rain and noticed lots of flooding.  It's a shame they can't redirect all that water down to southern California where they are suffering from a terrible drought.  Here are a couple of pics that show how ugly it was. 
These are my treasures from the Shop Hop.  A few stores gave us little 'gifties' and some of the stuff I bought.  I have much more fabric etc. that I purchased but not during the shop hop.  I would say that my 2 favorite shops would have to be Rosie's and Fat Quarters Quilt Shop.