Wednesday 13 June 2012

One list after another...

I have a list for items to take out of the RV, a list for items to put in the RV,  a list for food items to stock up on, a list of things to get completed for the RV and then a list of things to do at home before we leave.

With weights always a factor in towing, the biggest concern is removing un-needed items to make room for extra items that we will be transporting up to Dawson Creek.  Since hubby keeps threatening to leave  "That Lard-Ass Cat" at home to lighten the load (which isn't likely to happen), we will be removing some extra chairs, the kingpin tripod, outdoor mat, as well as the bike and toys we usually keep in the RV for Jade.


  1. If we didn't have lists Joy we would forget half of the things as we can't rely on our memories to remember everything. I guess it would be one way to lighten the load in the RV!! The problem with lists is that they seem to grow and it seems such an effort to even be able to cross one item off.

  2. I agree Sandy. I swear that we would forget half the 'stuff' we need if we didn't have lists. :)
