Tuesday 10 July 2012

Are we ready to go?

Tomorrow we will leave home and begin the longest RV journey so far.  It is the longest in miles/km and also the longest in time.  The first few weeks will probably be boring reading but very relaxing for us as we will only have 5 stops.

We have been busy packing clothes, food, and making sure that all the little things are taken care of.   We are helping to transport some products up to Dawson Creek for the start of the convoy so we have been planning where we can put everything in the RV.  It’s amazing how the more cupboards you have, the more ‘stuff’ you find to put in them.  I jokingly told hubby I was going to make a sign for the RV calling it the “Cram-a-lot Inn”.   His typical reply is that if we are over weight it will be because of that “Lard-Ass Cat”.  He is only 19 lbs!!!

Speaking about the cat – let me share a little story about our cat “Puddy”.  The first time we took him away with us on an RV adventure was a bit of a rough start.  We went out and bought a dog crate to keep him in while traveling – big mistake!  We loaded him in the crate with a nice soft towel in the bottom and put the crate in the back seat of the truck.  Away we went down the highway heading for northern BC.  After about 45 minutes we pulled into a parking lot in Chilliwack and hubby said “Either find a way to shut that cat up or he’s got to go”.   Puddy didn’t like the crate.  For a cat who hardly ever meows – he never shut up!!!   I took him out of the crate, stuck the crate in the RV and  we continued on again with him in the back seat of the truck.  After a few minutes he jumped up on the center console between the front seats, layed down and we never heard another sound from him.   Needless to say, we got rid of the crate and Puddy has become the ‘console cat’. 

Here's Puddy in the Rockwood RV in 2006.

Since we live in BC, Canada and we store the RV in Washington State, the first leg of our journey will be just a short trip to cross the border and move into the rig.  Once that is done, I will share the info. on our first stop.

1 comment:

  1. The cats have their way of telling you what they don't like!!
