Sunday 15 July 2012

Summer Storms

The last few days have been very strange in the weather department.  We don’t get many summer storms but we’ve had 2 in the last few days and possibly another one tonight.   I enjoyed sitting outside under the awning watching the storm but then within a couple of minutes the rain was coming at us sideways and we had to go inside to stay dry.

Stormy Sky

Inside - looking out!

We like to spend most of the time outside but when it gets ugly like this - we love to read.  We both loaded up our e-readers with books before leaving home so we are good.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy & Louis, sounds like a pretty tough lifestyle - must be hard to take!! We have arrived in Vancouver and thanks to your instructions found our hotel with ease. Now resting after our long flight. We have views of the river from our hotel room so feel very spoilt. Look forward to catching up with you soon. Sandy & Jim
