Saturday 16 July 2016

Like time has stood still...

Yesterday morning, after breakfast we decided to drive around my old neighborhood and take pictures.  I had no problem finding my way around so not many of the roads have changed in 46 years.  What surprised me the most is how short the streets are LOL.  First thing - my old house.  I lived here until I was 10.  The house itself looks the same but the landscape around it is different.
A couple of blocks away, is this hall.  It looks like it's seen
better days for sure.  I believe this is where my brothers used
to go to Cubs and Scout meetings and my Dad was a Leader.
There was a guy trimming back the shrubs and he told me it is
know as McLean Hall - owed by the McLean family for ever.
We continued to drive around and headed down into Seal Cove. 
The old apartments are still there but the base area is mostly sea
planes and helicopter offices.  It doesn't look different - just older.
We drove around to look at my old elementary school.  I knew
it had been boarded up years ago but it was strange to see it. 
We lived a few blocks up behind it so we had to go down and
 up these stairs everyday.
Here is the school - Seal Cove Elementary.  It looks
longer than I remember. I went here till the end of grade 4.
I remember walking from my house up to a corner store.
It seemed like 20 blocks as a child but in reality, it is probably
about 6.  The store is now just a vacant space with mail boxes.
Near the store - we used to go to a park with a playground. I
remember it as "Casey Park".  It is still there but not much to it.
The school I went to for Choir practice is gone - big empty lot.
The high school my brother went to is gone.  The hospital where 
I was born is gone.  What really surprises me is all the old houses.
It's like time has stood still.  The same houses are there, the same
roads are there.  Everything just looks old and run down. 

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