Friday 21 February 2014

Home for now - no more RV for a couple of months.

Today Lou went down to the RV to finalize a few things after winterizing it once again.  He had forgotten to shut off the battery switch and just pick up a few items he had forgotten.  I would guess that we won't be down at the RV again until probably the end of April or May.  We haven't planned our next RV Adventures yet so until next time - this blog will be quiet.  Thanks for following along.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Last quilt shop.

The last quilt shop that we visited was called Sew Cozy Quilt Shop.  They had a nice sale on Christmas fabric so I bought some for table runners.  This shop was also a Bernina dealer so many of the ladies were looking at machine accessories.  Here are a few photos. 
On the way through Oregon and Washington we had some very heavy rain and noticed lots of flooding.  It's a shame they can't redirect all that water down to southern California where they are suffering from a terrible drought.  Here are a couple of pics that show how ugly it was. 
These are my treasures from the Shop Hop.  A few stores gave us little 'gifties' and some of the stuff I bought.  I have much more fabric etc. that I purchased but not during the shop hop.  I would say that my 2 favorite shops would have to be Rosie's and Fat Quarters Quilt Shop. 


Monday 17 February 2014

Day 2 of Shop Hop.

After spending the night at a Best Western Express we all met downstairs for breakfast and then it was back on the bus ready to shop some more.  The first stop on Tuesday was Fat Quarters Quilt Shop.  The shop is in an old house and has many different rooms with so many displays.  I purchased some really nice cupcake fabric to make the aprons with.  Here are a few pics of the store. 
We spent the night in the RV at The Cedars RV in Ferndale and were totally blown away by the wind and rain.  At one point we actually considered bringing in the slides as we were concerned that the wind would rip the slide awning toppers.  We checked them in the morning and they seemed OK.  After loading up the truck with so much stuff we could barely move, we headed for the border and then home.  We made it home within an hour, unloaded the truck and got the laundry going. 
This morning Lou headed back to the RV to empty anything we missed as well as winterize it and park it in the storage space.  It's been a long 9 weeks but we had some great adventures and met some wonderful people.  The rain has welcomed us back home and it hard to remember that only 4 days ago we were out sitting in the sun.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Third stop on the 'Shop Hop' and day 4 of driving north.

The third quilt/fabric shop that we stopped at was called "Bits & Pieces".  I bought a really cute apron pattern and some shiny Christmas fabric.  Here are a few pics from the store. 
We left Seven Feathers Casino and RV Resort in southern Oregon just before 7am and hit the road.  It was a bit of a nasty drive with pounding rain and driving through the spray from the vehicles.  We made good time and stopped around 10:30 for a late breakfast and to fill up on diesel.  After about a 40 minute break - we were back on the road.  Driving through Oregon, it was evident almost everywhere that they had a lot of rain.  Most of the creeks and rivers were very high and some even overflowing.  They have a lot more flooding to come I'm sure.  We took the 405 around Seattle and the traffic was still crazy.  It took just over 35 minutes just to get back onto the I-5.  Once we hit Mount Vernon, the wind picked up but we managed to make it to our home park in Ferndale by 4pm.

Friday 14 February 2014

More photos from the shop hop.

The second quilt shop we stopped at was called Memory Lane.  I didn't purchase anything there but they did have some great displays.
Yesterday we pulled out of Orange Grove RV Park in Bakersfield, CA around 8:00am and headed over to the I-5 and then north to Rolling Hills Casino RV Resort.  It was a very LONG 400 miles.   On Thursdays they have an amazing buffet for 1/2 price so it was only $8 each so we went for dinner at 5:30 and then back to the RV for a little relaxing TV. 
This morning we hit the road just before 9am and after spending most of the trip in low clouds and heavy rain we managed to arrive at Seven Feathers Casino and RV Resort around 3pm.  We are both really exhausted from all the driving so we just kicked back in the recliners and haven't moved much.
Tomorrow will be an early start and we'll see how far we get.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Shop Hop bus trip ... Monday & Tuesday. Also - hitting the road to head home.

I left the RV at 6:10am Monday morning to meet the bus for the shop hop with another 54 ladies.  We pulled out from the resort at 6:30 and after a quick stop for breakfast in El Centro - we arrived at our first quilt shop around 10 (which was only 9 California time).  Rosie's Calico Cupboard Quilt Shop is located in El Cajon which is kind of like a suburb of San Diego.  They have a huge selection of fabrics and the prices are pretty good.  I bought a Christmas pattern and some plaid fabric.  Here are a few pics from Rosie's. 
 Evelyn & Donna trying to decide
which embroidery designs they NEED!
I have a lot more photos from the 4 other
quilt shops but I will share a few each day.
Today we left Sun Vista Resort at 8:30am to begin our journey back home.  It was a nice sunny morning and the traffic was quite good.  We traveled up past the Salton Sea and along Hwy 10 passing through the Palm Springs area.  We then headed north/west up through San Bernadino, Mohave Desert, Tehachapi and over to Orange Grove RV Park near Bakersfield, CA.  We made 2 stops on the way and pulled in around 3:15pm.   We drove a little less than 400 miles and are planning another 400 miles tomorrow so it will be an early night tonight.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Friday - sewing day and Saturday - Craft Fair & Car Show

Friday morning I headed up to the clubhouse with my sewing machine with the plan of getting the border on my Cat's Meow quilt.  I spent quite a bit of time helping Marie T. with her new Brother machine but did manage to get the border on it.  Here are a few pics from Show 'N Tell. 
 I just love this tote bag.  I think I need to make me one!
 This is my yellow & gold Mystery Quilt.
 This is my Cat's Meow quilt with the aqua border on it.
Once a month, Sun Vista Resort holds a craft fair.  Today they also had a car show.  I did manage to spend a few bucks at the craft fair but didn't get any pictures as the place was jam packed.  Trying to walk up and down the aisles was crazy.  I bet the vendors had very good sales today.  Here are a few pictures from the car show.