Saturday 8 February 2014

Friday - sewing day and Saturday - Craft Fair & Car Show

Friday morning I headed up to the clubhouse with my sewing machine with the plan of getting the border on my Cat's Meow quilt.  I spent quite a bit of time helping Marie T. with her new Brother machine but did manage to get the border on it.  Here are a few pics from Show 'N Tell. 
 I just love this tote bag.  I think I need to make me one!
 This is my yellow & gold Mystery Quilt.
 This is my Cat's Meow quilt with the aqua border on it.
Once a month, Sun Vista Resort holds a craft fair.  Today they also had a car show.  I did manage to spend a few bucks at the craft fair but didn't get any pictures as the place was jam packed.  Trying to walk up and down the aisles was crazy.  I bet the vendors had very good sales today.  Here are a few pictures from the car show. 

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