Wednesday 12 February 2014

Shop Hop bus trip ... Monday & Tuesday. Also - hitting the road to head home.

I left the RV at 6:10am Monday morning to meet the bus for the shop hop with another 54 ladies.  We pulled out from the resort at 6:30 and after a quick stop for breakfast in El Centro - we arrived at our first quilt shop around 10 (which was only 9 California time).  Rosie's Calico Cupboard Quilt Shop is located in El Cajon which is kind of like a suburb of San Diego.  They have a huge selection of fabrics and the prices are pretty good.  I bought a Christmas pattern and some plaid fabric.  Here are a few pics from Rosie's. 
 Evelyn & Donna trying to decide
which embroidery designs they NEED!
I have a lot more photos from the 4 other
quilt shops but I will share a few each day.
Today we left Sun Vista Resort at 8:30am to begin our journey back home.  It was a nice sunny morning and the traffic was quite good.  We traveled up past the Salton Sea and along Hwy 10 passing through the Palm Springs area.  We then headed north/west up through San Bernadino, Mohave Desert, Tehachapi and over to Orange Grove RV Park near Bakersfield, CA.  We made 2 stops on the way and pulled in around 3:15pm.   We drove a little less than 400 miles and are planning another 400 miles tomorrow so it will be an early night tonight.

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