Sunday 2 February 2014

Saturday - trip out to Castle Dome Mine Ghost Town

On Saturday morning, we joined Donna, Marie T., Bonna, Evelyn, Leo and one other couple and took our little convoy out of town heading north-east towards Quartzite.  The first 30-40 minutes was on paved road and then gravel for another 15-20 minutes.  We finally made it and paid our $10 admission fee to go into the 'museum'.  It is a collection of buildings etc. from a mining town which was big in the 1800s.  It includes wooden boardwalks, old vehicles, tools etc. throughout the town.  We took over 200 photos so I'll just pic and choose some of the best for you. 
Because we had to drive past the Yuma Proving Grounds for
the Armed Forces  - we took a few pictures of there too. 

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