Monday 30 December 2013

Shopping, laundry and "In N Out"

First thing this morning Lou was off to the Laundromat and I headed over to the crafts day at the North Hall.  I only took hand work to work on because I knew I wasn't staying for the whole time.
The ladies were all working on different projects. 
After I heard Lou come back with the laundry, I made my way back to the RV and we headed out to Joann's.  I picked up some Warm 'n Natural, Stabilizer and fat quarters.  We then made our way over to the "In N Out" burger place we had heard so much about.  The line-up for the drive-thru wasn't too bad so we decided to give it a try.  The burgers were good but not as good as 5 Guys.
Here are the fat quarters that I picked up at Joann's.
Tonight we had a beautiful sunset so I
went outside to capture a few pics.

Windy Windy Windy

We woke up at 3:30 from the strong winds that were rockin the RV.  They weren't as bad as last week but still enough to wake us up.  We managed to go back to sleep but when we got up and the sun came out - things were not where we left them.   The guy across the street has 2 flags out on the front of his rig but only one was there in the morning - the other ... halfway down the street.
Today was a day of rest.  We did a little reading
and I also got some knitting and sewing done. 
Here is my machine at work.
I managed to get all the cat blocks together -
now I need to piece together the 24 sets of
paw prints with the filler pieces for the first
border and then add a second wide border.

Saturday 28 December 2013

College of the Desert Street Fair

First thing this morning we were out the door headed for the COD Street Fair.  We have heard about this week-end event for years.  They are open from 7am - 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays.  We arrived there about 7:30 and was able to get parking up close to the vendor's booths.  It was a bit of a cloudy start to the day and there weren't any crowds that early.  We wandered up and down the aisles and saw some beautiful artsy items but didn't really buy much.  We did buy some socks and I bought 2 wrist slap bracelets that I could use for my rolls of embroidery stabilizer. The crowds were starting to arrive around the time we left - good timing.
Once we were done with the market we headed to Walmart with our shopping list so we could get home before the 'crazy' week-end shoppers.  While there I decided that I would buy a new iron for the trailer as the old travel iron I have been using for years just doesn't do a great job with all the quilting fabric that I wash and iron for quilting while away in the RV.  Here's the old one and the new one.
I had to try out the new iron so I pressed the new Batiks that I bought at  Monica's Quilt Shop.  Aren't the colors just beautiful?  Also, here is one of the little ITH projects I have been working on. 
We have wind warnings up for tonight and part of tomorrow. 
I wonder if the RV will be 'rockin & rollin' again tonight...

Friday 27 December 2013

Mr. Fix-it again!

During the night I found it got a little cold so I opened the blind to close the window beside the bed and 'snap' the string on the blind broke.  Oh Crap!  I informed Lou when he woke up that he had another little fix job.  These are the little irritating things that go wrong in the RV constantly.
Once that was fixed we decided to sit outside and enjoy the sun before it got too hot.  Lou likes to read while I was doing some knitting.  The only thing I knit is dishcloths so it's not surprising that I have 2 on the go at the same time so I don't get bored. LOL 
So I mentioned yesterday that I bought some new sandals.
Here's what they look like.  Cute hey?
Now - since it's kind of a boring stay at home day,
I had to find an interesting photo. 
Puddy decided to provide one to share.  He's such a brat!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Boxing Day - shopping and sight seeing.

This morning we hopped in the truck around 9am and headed out for a day of exploring.  We headed east towards Palm Desert in search of a quilt shop that I was told had a nice Batiks section.  On the drive  over the land is very open and the road was definitely rolling.
The Quilt Shop is called Monica's Quilt & Bead Creations and was such a beautiful store.  It was very easy to find and even though there was no sale - the place was very busy.  They had a wonderful section of Batiks and were priced at $11.95/yd.  I only needed them for block borders so bought (5) 1/4yd cuts. 
After getting exactly what I needed we headed back eastward to the Westfield Mall.  I was on a mission to find some Crocs sandals and managed to find some at the sporting goods store.  There was a huge sale on at Bath & Body Works so just had to stop in for some foaming hand soap too.   
From there we again headed west to Rancho Mirage and little place called "The River".  It's a really nice outdoor shopping plaza with mostly restaurants and has a river running through it.  Enjoy a few photos from there.

After spending a little time at "The River" we continued heading west and decided to drop in on Rick & Leslie.  Well Rick was out running errands of his own but we enjoyed a visit with Leslie.  They rent a RV Lot down in southern Palm Springs. 
Then we off to downtown Palm Springs.  We managed to find some parking and walk the main street for a few blocks and found a few great Kodak Moments.  Enjoy! 
We did stop for lunch while downtown.  We found an adorable little burger joint with outside patio tables.  It is the best thing when you can get a table in the shade and just sit and 'people watch'.  Here is where we ate and what we ate.  Yum Yum!
Hope you have enjoyed the photos.  We managed to get
all the things on our shopping list and also get a few
great little 'gifts' for Jade.  We had a wonderful day
and then made our way home for a nice cool drink.

Christmas Day - Oh what a beautiful morning!

I didn't create a post to the blog yesterday as it was just a nice quiet relaxing day.  The morning was just amazing.  It was warm, sunny nice and quiet around the park here.
We did manage a little SKYPE time with Jade at her Dad's before she left to spend the rest of the day with her Mom.  She got spoiled by Santa as she should be and was quite excited about all the toys she got as well as a new Sponge Bob toothbrush.  We do miss spending time with her but SKYPE sure is the next best thing to being there. 
Lou managed to kick back and enjoy his book which he says is hard to put down.  We both have NOOK BOOKS and just love them.  The best thing is that you can even read when you are outside in the glaring sun.  He used to use a tablet that didn't allow for that.
I also managed to grab a photo of a neighbour's unit with lights
on the palm trees.  Most of the regular RVers and Park Models
in the park have some sort of decorations or lights on them.
We didn't decorate outside our rig but
we did have a few inside decorations.
In the afternoon, Rick & Leslie came by for a couple of hours and a Christmas drink. Later we enjoyed a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings and watched stand up comedy shows last night. 

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Hangin around the RV today.

Today was another lovely sunny day here at the Sands RV.  First thing this morning I had to open the door and snap a photo of the beautiful morning view from our trailer.
There are lots of snowbirds arriving everyday.  They say that by the middle of January the whole park will be full.  I believe it!
Lou decided it was time to take out his R/C Truck and give it a run.  It's nice that we are at the back part of the park and there is not much traffic.  A few men just had to come by to check out the Big Boy Toy.  LOL 
You know when things aren't running
perfect they just need a little 'tweeking'.
While this truck stuff is fun for him - it's not my cup 'o tea
so I went inside and got into some sewing.  I am working on a
few little projects for friends as well as the Cat's Meow quilt.
Here are a couple of pictures Paulette took yesterday of
the cat blocks.  Still have a long way to go but it's coming
 together nicely and I think I'll love it when it's finished.
Tomorrow is Christmas Day so we will be having
a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. Wishing
all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas.