Friday 27 December 2013

Mr. Fix-it again!

During the night I found it got a little cold so I opened the blind to close the window beside the bed and 'snap' the string on the blind broke.  Oh Crap!  I informed Lou when he woke up that he had another little fix job.  These are the little irritating things that go wrong in the RV constantly.
Once that was fixed we decided to sit outside and enjoy the sun before it got too hot.  Lou likes to read while I was doing some knitting.  The only thing I knit is dishcloths so it's not surprising that I have 2 on the go at the same time so I don't get bored. LOL 
So I mentioned yesterday that I bought some new sandals.
Here's what they look like.  Cute hey?
Now - since it's kind of a boring stay at home day,
I had to find an interesting photo. 
Puddy decided to provide one to share.  He's such a brat!

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