Monday 23 December 2013

Quilting day for me ... leak repair for Lou

This morning started with a beautiful sunrise which made the mountain view from the RV just glow. 
First thing - Lou was out the door once again headed for Home Depot.  Last night while I made a quick run to Joann's for some batik fabrics, he ran over to Home Depot and bought the clamping tool to fix his water leak.  This leak has been a headache for a week and everything else he has tried has failed.  After checking out the tool and the clamp bands he realized they had sold him the wrong one.  He needs one for stainless steel but they sold him the one for copper. 
While he was gone I headed over the North Hall in the RV Park with my sewing machine and supplies.  Since Quilting Day is Wed, Christmas Day - the Quilting ladies met today in the hall so I just had to join them.  There were 7-8 ladies with machines working on various projects.  One of the ladies was teaching and doing a demo on free motion quilting.  I was cutting up my batiks and putting borders on my cat blocks as well as joining some filler blocks together.  I took a few pictures of some of the quilts. 

 Below is a little tea-light lampshade that some of the ladies were
making for table decorations for the Christmas dinner in the park.
Now you can see some of the embroidered blocks that I am working
on for the Cat's Meow quilt.  I will take more photos as I move along.
When I arrived back home Lou said he finally FIXED THE LEAK!  Thank Goodness.  That little water leak was driving him crazy and it wasn't a long drive to begin with.  So while fixing the water leak he cut 2 fingers pretty bad and probably should have had stitches but nope - he will be walking around with bandages on his hand for a while.

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