Tuesday 24 December 2013

Hangin around the RV today.

Today was another lovely sunny day here at the Sands RV.  First thing this morning I had to open the door and snap a photo of the beautiful morning view from our trailer.
There are lots of snowbirds arriving everyday.  They say that by the middle of January the whole park will be full.  I believe it!
Lou decided it was time to take out his R/C Truck and give it a run.  It's nice that we are at the back part of the park and there is not much traffic.  A few men just had to come by to check out the Big Boy Toy.  LOL 
You know when things aren't running
perfect they just need a little 'tweeking'.
While this truck stuff is fun for him - it's not my cup 'o tea
so I went inside and got into some sewing.  I am working on a
few little projects for friends as well as the Cat's Meow quilt.
Here are a couple of pictures Paulette took yesterday of
the cat blocks.  Still have a long way to go but it's coming
 together nicely and I think I'll love it when it's finished.
Tomorrow is Christmas Day so we will be having
a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. Wishing
all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas.

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