Tuesday 14 January 2014

Crappy Internet Connections!

Although Sunbeam Lake RV Resort is a beautiful park and I would definitely stay there again, I would arrange for my own internet connection through TimeWarner.  There was so way to upload photos, chat on Skype or even stay connected for a period of time while answering email.  I do want to add though that the people staying there are the most friendly.  On Saturday nights they always get together for an evening campfire and made sure numerous times that we were invited and they wanted us to attend.  We did go over for a couple of hours and had a wonderful time.  When hooking up to leave the next morning, a few of them came over to wish us a safe trip and tell us they would love for us to come back if we come that way again.
We are now at Sun Vista Resort in Yuma, Arizona but I would like to share a few pictures from the El Centro area first. These first 3 photos are of the RV Resort.
This next photo is a burger joint that we tried because it looked kind of fun and we had never tried it before.  The service was very slow but the burgers were good. 
About a mile from the RV Park, is the Naval Air Facility, El Centro.  We could hear and usually see fighter jets and helicopters flying overhead most days.  We decided to take a drive up to the base to see about getting some better pictures.  At the entrance to the base, the MP suggested we head all the way around to the back side of the base so we would be under the fight path.  The first photo is one I took right at the entrance to the base since we weren't allowed inside.  The others are from along a farm road under the flight path of the jets.
Next post will catch up with our arrival in Yuma, Arizona on Sunday, Jan.12th, 2014

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