Friday 17 January 2014

It's been quite a busy week.

The week started with Monday being "Quilting Day" in the park so my friend Donna picked me and all my sewing stuff up at 9:20 and we headed up to the clubhouse.  The Quilting Group in this park is huge.  There must have been more than 40 ladies working on various personal projects and a few of the ladies were working on a raffle quilt for charity.  I chose to work on some machine embroidery.  Here are a few pics I managed to take when I wasn't sewing. 
Tuesday morning I went up to the clubhouse to sit in on an Embird embroidery digitizing class and download my emails etc.  Every Tuesday morning a group of 6-8 ladies get together to learn the program and see what creative designs they can come up with. 
Tuesday afternoon, 5 of us ladies hopped into Marie's minivan and headed out to a couple of quilt shops.  The first one was just a few blocks from the RV park and was called Gramma Jo's.  It is a really nice store with lots of beautiful fabrics.  Have a look for yourself. 
After leaving Gramma Jo's we went to a place called the The Quilting Bee.  I didn't find this place too interesting as I think her main focus was the long-arm quilting in the back section of this warehouse store.  From there we went to Joann's but much of the selection was depleted with most things 50% off and it was day 3.  I did manage to buy 3 fabrics for a Mystery Quilt starting next Monday.
Wednesday, after spending an hour at the clubhouse to download and answer emails etc. Lou and I headed out to find a veterinary clinic where we could buy some cat food for Puddy.  We managed to find one not too far away and then stopped at an RV supply store for a replacement light bulb.  We came back home, I hand washed my new fabrics and hung them out to dry and then we just kicked back outside for a relaxing afternoon. The high temperature each day is usually 78F-80F with a slight breeze and it's really nice to sit out in the shade. 
Thursday morning I spent an hour at the clubhouse downloading emails etc. and then we went searching for a store called Fry's.  They are the same company as Fred Meyer so thought it was worth checking out.  We found the store and did a little grocery shopping before heading back home.  In the afternoon, I headed over to Donna's to finish pressing and cutting up my fabric for the mystery quilt.
This morning I had Lou load up all my sewing stuff in the back of the truck and he dropped me off at the Clubhouse.  Friday is another sewing day so while I was up there - Lou was busy contacting Centurylink to finally get us connected to the internet.  Apparently UPS had tried to deliver the modem earlier in the week but had the wrong site number.  He had to go to the UPS depot to pick it up and was back home and hooked up within no time at all.  Thank goodness - high speed wifi at the RV.  Here are a few pictures from today's sewing group. 

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