Tuesday 7 January 2014

Quilting and some strange and interesting sights ...

First thing this morning Lou and I walked up to the Office area of the Resort.  On Tuesdays the trucks arrive for the fresh fruit & veggies market.  As you can see, it's very popular.  The food is very fresh and the prices are great.
I left Lou there and headed over to the craft room for the Quilting group.  There were about 15 ladies all working on quilts for the Children's Hospital.  They usually make them 48"X42".  Another lady and I were assigned the job of layering and pinning the quilts so they were ready to be stitched around the outside.  From there they are tied. 
Later we headed out down the highway to a place called Salvation Mountain.  We've had many RVers tell us about it and said be sure to take our camera.  There is quite a story to this and you can read about it here. http://www.salvationmountain.us/  We took quite a few pictures so enjoy!
Just past Salvation Mountain is an area called Slab City. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/slab-city-a-desert-haven-for-recessions-victims/  This is an area where a lot of RVers just Boondock in the desert.  It's not an area where I would like to set up camp but ... it's definitely an interesting place to visit.
A little way down the road, there is a sign that states "if a car is parked here - stay away".  This is where the people who live at Slab City go to shower.  It is an open culvert with a ladder to climb down and it has water running into it.  The water drops down about 6' so it is like a cold shower.
Heading back towards home we stopped at a Wildlife Refuge Area.  We happened to see these signs so there was no way I was getting out of the truck.  I rolled down the window, took the picture and WE WERE OUTTA THERE! 
Back at the RV park I just had to get a picture of the back end of this motorhome.  Can you imagine following him down the highway.  LOL
Finally for today - another amazing sunset picture.

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