Friday 31 January 2014

Bus Trip to Phoenix

Thursday morning I left the house at 5:15am to meet the ladies so we could car-pool to the bus pick-up site.  There was 51 ladies piled on the big tour bus and we hit the road at 6am.  Our destination was Phoenix for the Quilting, Crafting and Sewing Festival. 
After about 90 minutes of driving, we pulled into a MacDonald's for breakfast and while eating were informed that the bus had some problems and there would be a delay.  Finally - after about 2 hours we were back on the road with hopes that the bus could be fixed in Phoenix once we got there. 
We spent about 6 hours shopping at the Festival and even took in a seminar on projects in the hoop.  The bus wasn't able to be fixed but they told us it was OK to use for our return trip to Yuma but we wouldn't have any Air-Conditioning.  We left Phoenix at 5pm and it was very HOT in the bus.  The windows don't open so we all had our overhead air vents open which didn't help too much.  We luckily had a huge cooler of bottled water in ice that we drank and ...  Oh poor Evelyn! 
Because of our delay getting to Phoenix - we stayed an extra hour and left right smack in the middle of rush hour.  Don't you just hate traffic? 
After a stop on the way for dinner - we managed to get back home to Yuma by 9pm.  It was a long day for sure.

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