Tuesday 7 August 2012

Dawson Creek to Buckinghorse River Lodge

Saturday, August 4th, we headed out at 6:20 with Muriel and 7 more rigs in her Support Unit “B” following.  About 10 miles out of town we saw a deer on the side of the road.  We made our first rest stop at Taylor and then we were back on the road heading for our lunch stop at Shephard’s Inn.  As the support units travel at posted highway speed, we were at our lunch stop by about 10am so we just grabbed a drink and a donut and kicked back for 30 minutes.  Back on the road for about an hour and we stopped at Pink Mountain for our next break.  It was time to refuel so some of the rigs stopped just after getting back on the highway and we continued on to our final stop at Buckinghorse  River Lodge. There were many sections of road that were loose gravel and became quite dusty and hard to see when vehicles were traveling in both directions.

About 4 miles before reaching our destination we came across one of the convoy RV’s that had been in an accident with another car and although the vehicles both rec’d extensive damage, it looked like all occupants were OK.  We pulled into Buckinghorse River Lodge around 1pm and filled up the truck at $1.50/litre for diesel.  We are camped out in a grassy meadow/field with no hook-ups but the sun is shining and the drinks are cold.  We did see more wildlife but unfortunately it was 2 dead moose on the side of the highway.

Welcome Sign to Buckinghorse River Lodge

This is us.

The line-up for the BarBQ dinner.

The VERY old diesel pump.


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