Sunday 12 August 2012

Dredge Number 4

Today we took a ride up the Bonanza Creek Rd. to check out the Dredge Number 4.  It is 2/3 the size of a football field and 8 storys high.  It floated on a pond of it's own making and was used to dig up gravel in the search for Gold.  It was put into operation in May 1913 and continued off and on until 1959 and was electrically powered. 

Information Sign.

The Big Dredge Number 4.

Along the road up to the Dredge, we came across this little place called Claim 33 that has a little store and you can go goldpanning there as well.  They had a very interesting collection of  'old' things.

Gold Claim 33.

A couple of buildings.

Inside the store.

From the outside collection.

A fox along the roadside.

A grouse along the roadside.

This is a sign along the Hwy.

Here we are at Bonanza Gold Campground.

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