Thursday 23 August 2012

North Pole to Tok

Tuesday, August 21st we again slept in and hit the road around 8:30am.  We only had about 85 miles to go so we took our time and took a short coffee break along the way.  We came across a long bridge and were able to get a great view of the Alaska Pipeline.

At Delta Junction we went directly to the Fairgrounds to meet up with the MV’s.  The local Lions Club provided us with a nice bag lunch and there was a ceremony with the local dignitaries and the  Military personel from Fort Greeley presented the colors.

The community brought in school buses to transport us to the Visitor`s Centre and the Alaska Highway End Mile Post.   They took group photos and supplied us with cake and ice cream for desert.

Once again we were on the road and headed for Tok.  We pulled into Tok about 4:30 and stayed at Tundra RV Park.  We made a quick meal and then headed over for a driver`s meeting.  We fueled up, hosed off the truck, did a little shopping and headed back to the RV.  We went to bed at 9:30pm.

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