Thursday 23 August 2012

Tok, Alaska to Beaver Creek, Yukon

Wednesday, August 22nd we were on the road at 6:30am leading the support vehicles back into Canada.  We only saw one rabbit and a fox along the road. Once we crossed into the Yukon we found some nasty roads.  They were doing road work so we had some very rough washboard gravel.  About 20 miles later we came through the Canadian Customs and then pulled into the town of Beaver Creek. We set up camp at the Westmark RV Park and walked up the highway to Buckshot Betty`s to try one of her famous Cinnamon Buns.

The people look real but they arn't.

Once the MVs arrived there was a driver’s meeting and then it was a nice quiet afternoon – perfect for a nap.  With no TV or internet we did some reading and I did a little knitting.

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