Friday 31 August 2012

Fort St. John to Dawson Creek

Thursday August 30th, we left Fort St. John at 9am for the shortest journey of the entire convoy.  We only had 53 miles to go and pulled into the Mile "0" RV Park at about 10:00am.  After checking in we took the RV and trailer over to the truck wash and probably rinsed off about 20 lbs. of dirt.  It still needs a good scrubbing but it's much better than it was.

Lots of dead BUGS!!!

We chose to skip the luncheon and went to the White Spot for lunch.  In the evening we attended the wind-up banquet which was held at the George Dawson Inn and they put on a lovely buffet dinner. 

The Convoy totalled 4109 miles.  We left Dawson Creek on August 4th and returned August 30th.  There was one head-on collision, one jeep roll-over, many flat tires and lots of other mechanical 'adjustments' but no one was hurt and everyone kept rolling along.

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