Thursday 16 August 2012

From Chicken to Glennallen

We pulled out of Chicken as usual at 6:30am leading the support vehicles down the Taylor Hwy. heading for Glennallen.  It was a much better drive today with very little dirt roads but we did have some wild rough roads.  The mountain scenery was incredible.

We had a couple of short breaks along the way and pulled into the Northern Nights campground at about 1pm and quickly set up before going to fill up with fuel and give the truck a quick wash.  Diesel was $4.45 a gallon. 

At 5:30 we had a driver's meeting and then had some free time before a welcome ceremony and dinner which was held at the campground.  The Alaska State Transportation Commisioner came to welcome us and presented the Convoy with the Alaska State flag.  The Alaska Veteran's museum came and presented us with a very large supply of snacks for the road and a group of Native Children performed for us.  The people of Glennallen provided a wonderful buffet dinner complete with a variety of salads, meats, salmon and dessert.

It's going on for 10pm now so I'd better post this and be off to bed.  We have a great internet connection that is very fast - the best one yet so I'm quite impressed.  I was even able to SKYPE Jade tonight.

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