Friday 31 August 2012

Liard River to Fort Nelson

Tuesday, August 28th we pulled out of Liard River at 6:50 after a brief driver’s meeting.  Our first break was at Toad River Lodge and fuel was $1.69/Litre so we only added $50 worth.  We stopped for lunch at Steamboat Mountain Rest Area and just made a sandwich. 

Lots of wildlife were out today.  We saw quite a few Bison, Cariboo, Mountain Goats and some Deer.  At times they were on the road and we had to come to a stop before they would leave.
The problem with being the advance team and on the radio - I couldn't stop and take pictures so I borrowed this one from Janet D.

We arrived in Fort Nelson about 11:45 and went straight to the Blue Bell Motel and RV Park.  We fueled up at $1.50/Litre and went and hooked up the RV in the ‘dirt parking lot with hook-ups’ they called RV sites. 

At 5pm there was a Military Vehicle parade down the main streets lead by the RCMP.  It was raining off and on so we chose to remain in the truck on the side of the road and watch. 

After the parade, the town hosted a bar-b-q of hamburgers and hotdogs but we decided to join another couple and hit the Boston Pizza instead.  I think it was a good choice because when we came out after dinner – it was pouring and the Bar-b-q was outside under large tents.

Back to the RV around 7pm and enjoyed a quiet evening listening to the rain on the roof with the fireplace on.

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